At Family Matters Law Group, we’ve had years of experience fighting hard for clients all over Henry, Clayton, and Fayette counties, as well as others across the metro Atlanta area. We’ve learned a lot over the years and are willing to share secrets to help you in your divorce case.
Secret #1: It’s All About The Money And Your Self Control
Divorce is an emotional time, and far too often, the primary emotion is anger and a desire for a nice, big “get back at you” fight. But, with a lot of money and financial security on the line, now is not the time to let your emotions run wild. You have to pick your battles.
When it comes to money, everything is divisible unless you can prove that it was a premarital asset. Even intangibles such as frequent flyer miles can be split in a divorce. You need to be aware of your spouse’s finances as well as your own. Telling your divorce attorney about all marital finances makes it easier for them to get you a fair settlement. Don’t make them waste time
Thinking about making a big purchase, such as a new car or a boat? There may be incentives for doing it before you file for divorce or waiting until after the divorce is final. Most states employ automatic financial restraining orders during a divorce. This
Secret #2: Be Prepared to Pay Because It Might Get Expensive
Many clients are so consumed with money they try to handle things on the cheap. If you’re going to invest in a quality attorney, then mentally prepare to invest in the things your attorney says they need to win the case.
If an attorney suggests the need for a private investigator, then ante up. There are times where the use of a private investigator, especially if your spouse owns a small business, can be useful in getting a more accurate picture of the finances of the business than what might be portrayed on paper alone.
Likewise, a forensic accountant can also prove to be a wise investment. If you suspect that your spouse may be hiding assets or not being completely forthcoming to the Court about their money, then a forensic accountant can help to put together a more accurate account.
Secret #3: Don’t Undermine Your Attorney In Court

Your attorney works hard to get you a fair and equitable award. You can easily undermine their efforts in court by not obeying court etiquette or dressing in a manner that gives the Court pause.
When it comes to dressing for court, you want to look well dressed and professional. This is the time to invest in a nice suit or dress outfit. Clothing should be neutral colored and you should wear minimum accessories.
Be sure to discuss with your attorney the appropriate protocol for Court. There are times for you to speak and be courteous to the judge no matter what is being said or done around you. Being disrespectful to the Court or the judge can end up costing you heavily in your divorce.
Bottom line: the best resource you have when it comes to your divorce is your attorney. An experienced attorney, like Edidiong Aaron at Family Matters Law Group, brings a wealth of experience and a fighter’s mindset to your case. If you’re wondering about the top secrets to winning your case, there’s no better source for all the inside scoop than your attorney. If you’re ready to win, contact Family Matters Law Group today!