My Child Is Refusing Visitation

Every divorced parent at one time or another has to deal with a child who refuses to go along with a planned visit. This often leaves a parent wondering what is actually happening with their child and what to do about the situation, especially since the visitation schedule is court ordered and compliance is expected. […]

A Divorced Parent’s Guide to Summer Vacation Planning

With only a few months left in the school year, many children are already dreaming about lazy, carefree days during summer break. Who can blame them? Many of the best memories of childhood are created during summer: making new friends at summer camp, going on road trips to Disney World or national parks, sleeping late […]

How To Survive A High Asset Divorce

“Who gets what?” is one of the most important questions that has to be resolved in a divorce. This question becomes even more paramount in a divorce where the net worth of the couple is high. An experienced attorney makes a world of difference in a high asset case. The impetus is to try and […]

3 Secrets From A Top Divorce Attorney

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] At Family Matters Law Group, we’ve had years of experience fighting hard for clients all over Henry, Clayton, and Fayette counties, as well as others across the metro Atlanta area. We’ve learned a lot over the years and are willing to share secrets to help you in your […]

Retirement and Divorce

One of the largest assets when navigating a divorce settlement is a retirement account or pension. The complexity of these accounts and the accompanying tax burden are often overwhelming. As a result, the chances of mishandling of these accounts during a divorce is often high. This can lead to much pain down the road for one or […]

Mortgages and Divorce

Did you know that 60% of the United States population owns a home? Did you know that according to the CDC, in 2016, more than 800,000 couples got a divorce? It’s no secret that many couples who divorce also need to reconcile their homeownership as part of their divorce agreement. Dealing with a divorce is […]

Filing Taxes First Year After A Divorce

So many things change when your marriage ends. Whether you have been married for 25 years or only 25 hours (thanks, Las Vegas!), there are numerous things that change legally as the marriage comes to an end. One of those things is your tax status. At Family Matters Law Group, we see many clients at […]

How To File Taxes During A Divorce

Filing taxes is a task that can stress even the calmest of human beings. But, if you’re also trying to navigate through a divorce, it can send you through the roof. You certainly don’t want to make a mistake that is going to end up costing you in court. The law is very clear about […]


Ask any divorce attorney and they will tell you the two things that just about everyone worries about in a divorce are money and children. You might not have to go through a draining custody battle, but you certainly will have to figure out how to separate the marital assets. Regardless of the length of […]

Do I Need A Prenuptial Agreement?

You don’t have to have a diamond ring the size of Mount Everest to need a prenuptial agreement. They’re not just for wealthy people. The truth is that if you have assets or property — or children from a previous marriage — it’s a good idea to have a prenuptial agreement in place before you […]