Case Study: Marital Finances

Marital finances can be a tricky thing. Do you keep your money separate or combine everything in joint accounts? Does one person run the finances in the household, or are those responsibilities shared equally? This month’s case study from Family Matters Law Group is a look at how marital finances, when handled wrong, can lead […]

Legal Snack: Job Loss and Custody

Family Matters Law Group offers several Legal Snacks, concise videos dealing with legal topics we frequently address in our office. We recommend our clients utilize this resource to acquaint themselves with basic information that pertains to their case. This reduces confusion and saves time for more efficient office visits. In this month’s Legal Snack, Edidiong […]

What Is Contempt and What Are the Penalties for Contempt?

In the middle of a stressful divorce, it’s a comforting thought to believe that once the judge issues an order, everything will be OK. Visitation will be set, child support will be agreed upon, and life will begin to move forward. But, what if your ex has other plans? What if child support isn’t being […]

Does Georgia Grant Grandparents Rights?

The simple answer to this question is a resounding “YES!” Georgia is one of the states that recognizes that in many cases, a child’s relationship to their grandparents is very significant, and it might cause harm if the child were denied access. Many of us have fond memories of our grandparents, special memories that last […]

Co-Parenting in High Conflict Divorce

Wouldn’t it be great if, in every divorce where there are children, the parents could put aside their animosity for each other and agree amicably to do what is in the child’s best interests?  Wouldn’t it be great if the conflict were contained to just the parents and both parents agreed on how to parent […]

Golden Rules of Divorcing With Kids

Divorce has a funny way of bringing out some of our worst emotions. Many people wallow in a pool of anger and make all their decisions out of spite. Others feel so guilty that they turn into wet blankets and allow everyone to walk all over them. With kids in the mix, making decisions from […]

Family Friendly Events During Labor Day Weekend in Clayton and Henry Counties

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section” _builder_version=”3.22″][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”3.25″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”3.27.4″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” hover_enabled=”0″] Labor Day is such a wonderful holiday. It’s the last gasp of summer, and everyone is looking forward to a day of celebration. Area schoolchildren have already been hitting the books for about a month, so […]

Case Study: Fighting Hard for Father’s Rights

In Georgia, it’s often the case that people think the mother of the child should have the most parenting time or the final say in major decisions. If it’s in the best interests of the child, I support that. But, when you have a father who is doing all he can to be a positive […]

Legal Snack: My Name Is on the Birth Certificate But No Father’s Rights?

Family Matters Law Group is proud to offer Legal Snacks, bite-sized introductions to various family law topics that you can watch (and rewatch) any time. These short videos address topics that frequently arise in our practice and will help you understand the core issues in your case. This month, Edidiong Aaron addresses a question many […]

What Is a Typical Parenting Time Schedule in Georgia?

It’s understandable that creating a visitation schedule in a custody case can cause a lot of tension. Every parent wants to spend as much parenting time with their children as possible. With so much at stake, it’s important to understand some of the basic guidelines the court considers when approving a parenting time schedule. Family […]