How Do You Establish Paternity in Georgia?

Establishing paternity in Georgia is the first step towards receiving father’s rights, such as visitation privileges and custody. Regardless of how you choose to establish paternity, consulting with an attorney early in the process will make things go smoother. Don’t forget that after this has been established, you must also prove legitimation and then ask […]

What Is Legitimation, and Why Is It Important in Georgia?

You’d probably be very surprised to know that even if your name is on a birth certificate, you still don’t have rights in Georgia such as visitation or custody. In Georgia, paternity is not enough to give you father’s rights. You must also prove legitimacy, a process called legitimation. Even if you take a DNA […]

How is Child Support Calculated in Georgia?

If you’re not familiar with the child support law changes in Georgia, you may think that it’s determined by a simple calculation based on the non-custodial parent’s income. In years past, it was not uncommon for 20% of the non-custodial parent’s gross income to be designated by the court for child support. In 2007, the […]

What Is Legal Custody?

Think about all the major decisions that parents have to make. Where should my child attend school? Is the school providing the best educational environment? How should I discipline my child when they mess up? What treatment option is the best for my child’s current ailment? When we talk about legal custody, we refer to […]

Primary Custody in Georgia and How It’s Determined

In custody cases, most people assume that when you use the word “custody,” you are referring to where the children will physically reside.  What is interesting is that “custody” actually refers to several things that the court will take into account. In this blog, Family Matters Law Group discusses the concept of primary custody, shares […]

What Are a Father’s Rights in Georgia?

When it comes to a father’s rights in Georgia, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that if you are married, you and your spouse have equal rights to visitation and custody. The bad news is that, in Georgia, if you are not married, only the mother has automatic rights to […]

Case Study: Making Attorney-Client Connections

When you determine that divorce is in your future, the number of family law attorneys can be overwhelming. Many will promise the moon and the stars if you give them your case. It’s important to realize that your success in court is not based on hearing the promises you want to hear; it’s about the […]

Pet Custody & Divorce: Who Gets The Pets?

You’ve been through good times and bad times together, each of you by the other’s side. There are pictures of the two of you smiling and playing all through your house. When a major event occurs, video gets Instagrammed and Facebook gets updated. But, now that a divorce is pending, the thought that you might […]

How Does Property Division Work in Georgia Divorce?

One of the reasons why you should seriously consider hiring an experienced attorney before embarking on a divorce in Georgia is the prospect of getting bogged down in property division. During a marriage, your finances and physical possessions (including your house) become entangled, and it may take quite an effort to free everything up in […]

What Rights Do I Have With Joint Legal Custody?

Imagine this situation: you are divorced, but have joint legal custody with your wife. Your teenage son has been getting into trouble at school. Your wife believes that your son has started hanging with a bad crowd and might even be doing drugs. She would like to send your son off to a military school […]