Bonding For Blended Families

After the dust settled on your divorce, you fell in love with someone new and remarried. You and your spouse both have children to add to the mix this time. Despite your newfound love and happiness, it may not all be a blissful honeymoon, as you’re also facing new challenges of how to bond as […]

Self-Care During A Divorce

Divorce is one of the most stressful events that can take place in your life. It changes everything from your plans for the future to your sense of yourself as part of a couple. If you have children, it also changes the shape of your family. While you’re in the midst of it, and even […]

Divorce Decree Modifications in Georgia

Child Custody GA

One major question we hear quite frequently as family law attorneys is whether or not a client may file a contempt action as a response to their ex-spouse’s petition for modification, whether it be in regards to child support or divorce in general. The answer is: absolutely! You may file an action for contempt of […]

New Year’s Resolutions for Successful Co-Parenting – Part II

Co-parenting Success

Co-parenting can be challenging, but creating a positive co-parenting relationship will benefit both the adults and child in the end. January is the perfect time to make some positive changes in your co-parenting relationship. Instead of making resolutions that only benefit you, such as weight loss or exercise, pick one to benefit everyone. As promised, […]

Understanding Alimony and Child Support

Alimony & Child Support Atty

One question that everyone asks in their initial consultation at Family Matters Law Group is how much money will I get? It’s natural to be concerned about finances; after all, you’ve been married (probably for a significant time), and your financial situation is likely entangled with your spouse. Many people think of financial support as […]

Legal Separation Doesn’t Exist in Georgia, But Separate Maintenance Agreements Do

In many states, getting a legal separation gives couples a way to stay married while living apart and taking a break during some rough times. It offers couples a chance to make some changes potentially and, hopefully, keep things going in the face of a potential divorce. Unfortunately, in Georgia, the courts do not recognize […]

Types of Child Custody: What’s the Difference?

Types of Child Custody

Divorce is never easy, but Family Matters Law Group knows that when you share child(ren) with your spouse, the process of divorce becomes more difficult due to child custody matters. We know you may be feeling very overwhelmed right now trying to work out what is best for your child(ren.) We’re here to offer guidance […]

4 of the Best Co-Parenting Apps

Co-parenting App

Do you ever find yourself getting overwhelmed by co-parenting? You’re separated, or you’re in the midst of a divorce now, and you’re trying to manage your children as they go back and forth between two separate households. Multiple schedules come into play. Your work time, your ex’s work hours, your kid’s extracurricular activities, and more. […]

Finding The Right Family Law Attorney Near Me

Fathers Rights in GA

If you’re facing a divorce or dealing with any family matters that require legal assistance, you may be asking yourself, “How can I find a family law attorney near me?” More importantly, “How can I find an attorney near me that I can trust?” You may be in the early stages of seeking help and […]

Divorcing After 50? What to Consider

Divorcing after 50

Ending a marriage of any length can be traumatizing enough, but one that has lasted decades can shake up your life in all aspects. From a new financial situation to emotions you have yet to experience, coping with a divorce after 50 will set the tone for the rest of your life. You can either […]