Men: Learn Your Rights During the Divorce Process

The divorce process can be one of the most challenging and stressful times of your life. Being a man in this situation presents a whole new set of difficulties. The financial stress can be overwhelming, from worrying about your assets to possible alimony or child support orders. If you’re looking for a divorce attorney for men, look no further than Family Matters Law Group. We would be honored to represent you and get you the fairness you deserve in your divorce case.

Can You Help Ensure That Property and Assets Will Be Divided Fairly?

Protecting your assets, whether they be property, business, or retirement accounts, is an excellent reason to hire an attorney specializing in men’s rights. Some of the issues we have assisted clients with in the past include protecting investments and businesses, uncovering any hidden assets, and discovering a fair value for real estate holdings. We can also settle any matters related to prenuptial agreements.

Property division can also be complicated, but having an experienced attorney can help make it easier. Some factors to consider here include dividing up retirement and 401(k) accounts reasonably. Also, there will need to be decisions made regarding who is responsible for credit card debt, who will remain in the shared home or if it will be sold, and who will get the proceeds. You deserve equal parts of the property, and we will fight to ensure you get it.

divorce attorney for men

Can You Help With Child Custody and Child Support?

Any divorce that involves children is instantly more complicated. Having a men’s rights lawyer to properly represent you will help ensure that you get the time you want with your child. Family Matters Law Group takes the custody of children seriously and is ready to fight for you. We’ll ensure that the courts take the child’s mental, educational, and physical needs into account before making any custody decisions.

By assuring you get a fair custody agreement, we’re also helping prevent an unfair child support order. While this balancing act helps the custodial parent provide for the child, if you’re spending an equal amount of time with your child, the amount should reflect this.

Will I Have to Pay Alimony?

There is a lot of information and many laws regarding alimony in the state of Georgia. Alimony is not guaranteed in any divorce but may be ordered to help your former spouse maintain the lifestyle that they are accustomed to. Sometimes, alimony may be awarded simply to “bridge the gap” or get your former spouse to a place where they can begin taking care of themselves, especially if they are able-bodied. A divorce attorney for men can help calculate if the amount asked for is unfair. We can even help determine if you’re eligible for alimony based on the income of you and your ex-spouse.

If you’re concerned that you may receive an order for alimony or worry about paying an unjust amount, we have an excellent team here at Family Matters Law Group. We’re sure that we can provide you with an Atlanta divorce attorney for men to help you navigate your divorce with dignity.

If you find yourself facing a divorce and are confused about where to start, reach out to us here at Family Matters Law Group. The first step is setting up a consultation with our client advocate. We will work hard to make sure you are appropriately represented in all divorce-related matters.