Legal Snack: Custody, Legal And Physical, What’s The Difference, Part One

The ongoing Legal Snack series from Family Matters Law Group is designed to give short, concise introductions to key legal topics that our clients ask us about frequently. By watching each video, clients can learn important information and are prepared for more efficient, productive office visits. In this month’s legal snack, Mrs. Edidiong Aaron, founder […]

Courtroom Etiquette, Part One

Everyone knows that there is a certain way to behave in court. What you may not know is that failure to follow the rules of courtroom etiquette can cost you dearly in a divorce case. In the courtroom, you are there to make an appearance, to show the court that you can show respect, make […]

Dating During Divorce

Let’s face it: divorce is a very stressful process. Many men choose to deal with that stress by going out and dating. Needless to say, dating during a divorce is not the wisest of choices. While you may think this is a great way to move on from the immense amounts of grief and anger […]

The Ex Who Won’t Let Go After Divorce

Divorce is supposed to be an end, a split apart and a new beginning. If you’re ending a toxic divorce, however, you may find that your ex just won’t let go after the divorce is final. Toxic people have a hard time moving on and can sometimes decide they need to continue and try to […]

Don’t Get Taken Advantage Of During Your Divorce

As soon as the word “divorce” got mentioned, things changed for you. The honeymoon is over and decisions need to be made that will affect your family’s well being, as well as your legal status and financial stability moving forward. The last thing you want to happen is to be one of the many gentlemen […]

You Should Be All Business When It Comes To Your Divorce

On the day you said “I do”, you thought it would be forever, til death do you part, right? Now, your wife just said the four words you really didn’t want to hear, “We need to talk”, and the “I do” has turned into a solid “I don’t”. Now, more than ever, you need to […]

Six Ways To Survive A Toxic Divorce

You thought your divorce was going to be a run of the mill affair, but instead, it’s dragging on for years and you’re tired of dealing with your manipulative, hostile ex. You’re knee-deep in a toxic divorce. There are things you can do to reduce the amount of toxicity from your ex that seeps into […]

5 Things To Expect In A Toxic Divorce

Every divorce begins with pain. Accusations begin to fly. Whether it’s an accusation of money mismanagement or marital infidelity, or maybe the stress of a traumatic event, divorce always begins with some degree of hurt.  As custody agreements are written, visitation schedules are set, and the property gets divided, there may still be a level […]

Helping Your Children Through A Hostile Divorce

Everyone’s wedding day holds out the promise of a wonderful life together, til death do you part. However, statistics show that between 40 and 50 percent of marriages will end in divorce. No matter how carefully you plan, a hostile divorce is particularly traumatic for the children. No matter what the age of your children, […]

Staying Safe During A Divorce

Let’s keep it real: you’re not getting a divorce because you and your spouse are such good friends. Sometimes, a divorce can get more than ugly — it can create an unsafe space for you and your children, especially if years of pent up anger and frustration are released. There are some simple steps for […]