Legal Snack: Screenshot It So I Know It’s Real

Family Matters Law Group is proud to present Legal Snacks, short videos that explain key concepts in family law. By watching these videos, you can educate yourself about your case, get some questions answered, and be prepared to have a more productive office visit. In this month’s Legal Snack, we hear a case study about […]

Q&A With Family Matters Law Group

As we enter into 2020, you may be thinking that this is the year when a big change is in order. Perhaps you are thinking of a divorce, changes to a custody case or an adoption. You’ll need an experienced, caring attorney who specializing with family law in Atlanta to help. As you research various […]

Holiday Visitation For Grandparents

The media always portrays the holidays as the most joyous time for families. However, for some, the holidays can bring a share of trouble. Tensions can rise and even the calmest and collected individuals can think about tearing their hair out. For most grandparents, it’s a priority to see the grandchildren over the holiday season. […]

Fathers, Divorce, and the Holidays

Everyone wants a happy holiday season. However, sometimes the emotion from a divorce can impact the holidays in negative ways, especially for fathers. If you’re a divorced father, here are some tips for how you can avoid an unhappy, unhealthy holiday season. Planning Ahead Is Key It is never too early to start confirming holiday […]

Holidays and Your Children: A Post-Divorce Guide

It’s easy to see all the happy families on TV during the holidays and mistakenly believe that the holidays are a failure if yours isn’t perfect like the ones you see. When it comes to holidays and your children, especially if you are divorced from your spouse, it’s going to require some clear thinking and […]

Thinking Of Getting A New Year’s Divorce?

You might not think it, but January is a popular month for divorce filings. Perhaps you are thinking of getting a divorce, but want to wait until after the holidays are over before you file. You’re not alone — quite a few people will be getting a New Year’s divorce in 2020. Even though you […]

Legal Snack: Child Support Does Not Equal Deadbeat

Legal Snacks are short videos from Family Matters Law Group that discuss frequently asked questions from our clients. Watching these videos can help you better prepare for your initial consultation as well as answer questions you may have as work on your case progresses. This month’s legal snack addresses the issue of child support. In […]

The Holidays And Your Custody Agreement

  Every parent dreams of sharing Thanksgiving or Christmas with their children. Whether it’s enjoying a day with the family or watching the joy on your children’s faces as they open presents, it’s a special time for any parent. However, with divorced parents, the holidays can often become contentious, as custody arrangements are worked out […]

Marital vs. Separate Property in Divorce, Who Owns What?

At Family Matters Law Group, we pride ourselves on working with our clients to make sure they are knowledgeable about the law and how it can affect their case. Our ongoing Legal Snack series provides short video introductions to crucial legal topics. This month’s Legal Snack addresses a common concern about types of property. The […]

It’s Your First Holiday Season Post-Divorce

You got through your divorce and lived to tell the tale. However, you probably didn’t give a whole lot of thought to the holidays and divorce and how to handle them.  As a newly single individual, the holidays can sometimes be a brutal reminder of what you’ve lost. It’s not uncommon for newly divorced people […]