Standard Visitation: Is This All The Time I Get With My Child?

Family Matters Law Group believes the more you know about family law and your case, the more productive your office visits and time in court can be. An educated client often leads to a successful client. To that end, we offer Legal Snacks, short videos to help you understand your case. This month’s Legal Snack […]

Special Issues In A Gray Divorce

If you are thinking about divorce after 50 (a so-called “gray divorce”), there are some unique issues you need to consider that may impact your quality of life moving forward. Whether you are making big decisions about your retirement planning or making long term healthcare decisions, getting a divorce after 50 requires careful consideration of […]

Cohabitation and Alimony

Many people have questions about alimony in a divorce case. If two parties in a divorce end up in very different financial circumstances, the court can order the wealthier party to provide financial assistance to the other. This financial assistance is called alimony. What if the two parties aren’t married, but are living together as […]

What Is Cohabitation?

Marcus and Jenelle were head over heels in love with each other. They eventually decided to take their relationship to the next level and move in together. Like many couples, they talked a lot about getting married, but things kept coming up, like finances and a new job situation for Jenelle. Next thing you know, […]

Adoption In Georgia

Even though in-vitro fertilization (IVF) technology has come a long way and many would-be parents are relying on science to bring a newborn into the world, adoption has proven to be a reliable means of expanding a family and securing a bundle of joy. Whether you are a single parent or a couple who cannot […]

Step-Parent Adoptions

Is there a more exciting time than when you decide to expand your family? There’s something special when a new addition to your household comes. Children add energy and vitality to a loving, caring home. Unfortunately, not every couple can have children and so they must rely on other means to fulfill that life goal. […]

Gray Divorce: Things to Know About Divorce After 50

You may have heard the term “gray divorce”, which originally meant a divorce for a couple that had been married 40 or more years. It was assumed that by that long of a time, everyone’s hair would be gray or starting to turn — thus the name “gray divorce”. However, there is an interesting shift […]

Financial Concerns In A Gray Divorce

Twenty years ago, only one out of every 10 people getting a divorce was over 50 years of age. Today, that number is one out of every four. The Baby Boomer generation is living longer, and with that comes a higher divorce rate. If you are considering a gray divorce, you need to make sure […]

Competency and Gray Divorce

It’s a fact of life that medical issues become more and more important as people get older. One of the significant medical issues that can affect a court case is competency, a person’s ability to mentally understand what is going on in court and make decisions for themselves. In a gray divorce (divorce over 50), […]

Changing A Custody or Visitation Order

Custody and visitation are two of the most hotly contested issues in any divorce. Both parents usually want to spend as much time with their children as possible. Fortunately, in Georgia, there is an avenue for changing a custody or visitation order under certain circumstances. Please note that there is a big difference in requesting […]