Legal Snack: Hidden Assets? We Find Them

Family Matters Law Group offers Legal Snacks, a video resource for current and potential clients to learn the basics of a legal topic. By staying informed, our clients have more efficient and productive office visits and can provide valuable support in their case. This month’s legal snack addresses the concept of hidden assets and how […]

Another Q&A From Family Matters Law Group

Readers of this blog know that, every once in awhile, we like to take a timeout just to answer some frequently asked questions that we hear a lot in our office. We believe an educated client is the best client, and so we offer this blog as well as our Legal Snack videos to make […]

Getting Financially Ready For Divorce

Divorce happens. Things change and sometimes no amount of counseling can salvage the situation. Perhaps the messiest piece of any divorce is trying to untangle years of joint financial activity. Getting financially ready for divorce may be one of the toughest things you’ll have to do. If you see divorce on the horizon, there are […]

Emotionally Preparing For Divorce

As a successful businessman, Chad couldn’t believe it when his wife suggested they should get a divorce. He knew things were bad. After all, they were fighting all the time and both of them were clearly not happy. But, Chad knew he was not emotionally prepared for the end of his marriage. Chad was facing […]

Preparing For Divorce

Just reading the title of this blog, “Preparing For Divorce”, probably brings to mind some gold-digger who is just waiting for her chance to rob some poor guy blind, or some greedy businessman busily hiding all his assets so he can leave his poor wife penniless. However, there are many situations where you need to […]

My Spouse Just Told Me They Want A Divorce

Perhaps one of the most shocking things you will hear are the words “I want a divorce”. Nothing can really prepare you for the emotional bombshell that just landed. If you believe that your marriage cannot be saved and that a divorce is imminent, then the next steps you take can make a huge difference […]

Legal Snack: What Happens After You Hire FMLG?

The Legal Snack videos from Family Matters Law Group are a quick way to learn about legal issues related to your case. By watching each video, you can be more informed and better equipped to participate in the preparation of your case. In this video, Mrs. Edidiong Aaron, founder, and owner of Family Matters Law […]

4 Key Ideas For How To Dress In Court

Life isn’t fair. You will be judged on your appearance and how you dress when you go to your family law hearing. While it may be true that you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, that saying doesn’t apply in front of a judge during a divorce or other family law hearing. Since you […]

Legal Snack: Legal and Physical Custody, What’s The Difference? Part Two

Family Matters Law Group is proud to present Legal Snacks, short introductions to some of the most frequently asked about legal topics in our office. A more informed client is a better client, so spend some time and explore these informative, concise videos. This month’s legal snack is the second part of our series on […]

Courtroom Etiquette, Part Two

In the second half of our two part blog, we continue to look at issues of courtroom etiquette that you should know heading into your divorce hearing. How you behave in court and the reverence you show can go a long way towards getting a favorable opinion. Keep The Negativity To A Minimum For the […]