6 Things You Should Never Say During A Divorce

Conventional wisdom says that men are prone to getting angry and losing their cool during a divorce. They wear their emotions on their sleeve and take everything personally. If this describes you, you’re in for a rough ride. Winning a divorce case is all about keeping your cool and thinking through things before acting. Your […]

Staying Connected With Kids After A Divorce

You will always be the father of your children, no matter what a piece of paper may say. Numerous research studies have shown that children whose fathers are involved in their lives have higher self-esteem, show better self-control, and exhibit stronger coping skills. You play an important role with your children. Just because your divorce […]

Frozen Embryos And Divorce

David and Annissa wanted children, but Annissa had blockages in her Fallopian tubes. So, they decided to pay for in vitro fertilization (IVF). During their IVF procedure, they elected to have several excess embryos frozen in case the initial procedure was not successful. Multiple embryos were frozen and the couple eagerly awaited what they hoped […]

Helping Gifted Children Through Divorce

Parents of gifted children need to be extra careful to pay close attention to their gifted child while they are going through a divorce. While gifted children can be resilient and better than normal at communicating ideas, their emotional sensitivity and inherent sense of justice and fair play make for a potential trouble spot in […]

FAFSA Tips For Divorced Parents

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the standard form to submit family financial information to colleges and universities to qualify for grants and loans. It’s a key piece of the college applications portfolio. Unfortunately, the task of filling out the form gets a little trickier when parents are divorced. Here are a […]

Four Things To Do Before Your First Court Appearance

Going to court can be scary, nerve-wracking, and confusing. With so many procedures and rules to follow, not to mention the stress of knowing so much may be at stake, creates a hectic situation for many people. Having a game plan before you go to court for the first time can not only help calm […]

International Travel With Children After Divorce

Curtis knew someday he wanted to travel internationally with his children to Japan, where he had spent some time stationed in Okinawa. Perhaps they could also spend time in South Korea, even visit Shanghai and go to Disney Park there. Curtis wanted to make sure his children saw a bigger world than just their home […]

Legal Snack: Child Support Services Sent Me A Letter!

In our ongoing Legal Snack series from Family Matters Law Group, we address topics of interest in bite-size snacks. These videos are a perfect way to introduce frequently discussed areas of family law and can be watched before your consultation in our office. This month, attorney Edidiong Aaron focuses on what to do if child […]

Supervised Visitation

Any time there is a history of family violence, child abuse, drug and/or alcohol abuse, or general neglect, a court can order supervised visitation. Supervised visitation means that a third party will have to be present any time there is a visitation scheduled between the non-custodial parent and the child. In Georgia, the preferred policy […]

Out of State Visitation and Custody Arrangements

You’ve just gotten the job offer of a lifetime, but it means you’ll be leaving Georgia and moving to Texas. What in the world are you going to do about your kids and the court-ordered visitation schedule? Out of state visitation can be arranged if done properly.  This situation, with one parent who lives in […]