Divorce and Special Education

If you are the parent of a child who is receiving services under a 504 plan or IEP, you have a vested interest in making sure there is continuity of service and educational progress even when you are going through a divorce. Given the legal complexities of our special education system, it is vital that […]

Summer Vacation and Divorce

Is there any time of the year that a child looks forward to more than summer vacation? It’s not just the thought of being out of school which turns summer into the greatest kid paradise ever. It’s also a schedule of sports, summer camps, and vacations to places like Disney World, the Blue Ridge Parkway, […]

Private School and Divorce

It’s an interesting question: can a father be forced to pay private school tuition as part of the Final Order? It’s not uncommon to see an ex-wife insisting to the court that the father of the child ante up money to send the child to a private school. Of course, many fathers counter that a […]

Do I Need A Family Law Attorney?

When it comes to family law, there seems to be a lot of confusion about whether an attorney is actually necessary. Many people don’t think their issue is that serious. Others think they can handle their court case on their own without paying for an attorney. Trust us: if there is a legal issue that […]

Cohabitation: Who Gets The House?

It’s not uncommon for couples to live together before getting married. These days, many couples see it as an opportunity for a trial run before they commit to getting married. It’s a chance to see if the relationship will really work. Many times, the couple will live together in a house that one party already […]

When Children Have A Choice In Custody

A famous actress once remarked that you can never underestimate how traumatic divorce is for children. Their whole world is turned upside down and in most cases.  Children often have very little say or control over what happens to them. It is perfectly natural for a child to want to spend as much time as […]

FAQs About School and Divorce

After a divorce parents frequently have questions about things that go on at school, such as field trip permissions and who can pick up the children after school. Family Matters Law Group offers this guide to some of the most frequently asked school questions for divorced parents. Who Gets To Decide Where Our Child Goes To School? […]

Things To Consider When Creating A Visitation Schedule

One of the first things that parents ask about when they come in to our office is how they can maintain quality parenting time with their child in a custody arrangement. No parent wants to miss out on a significant milestone event or lose a close connection due to not seeing the child as much. […]

School Resources For Children of Divorce

The Southern novelist Pat Conroy once wrote, ”When mom and dad went to war the only prisoners they took were the children.” Every parent hopes that their child gets through the divorce in one piece. Even if the divorce itself is not contentious (and many are), there can still be significant amounts of emotional stress. […]

50/50 Visitation Schedules: Can They Work For You?

Most parents going through a divorce think they should have equal time with their children. Having a close relationship with both parents is still very important, even in the aftermath of a divorce. When thinking about visitation schedules, the important thing to keep in mind is that the court makes decisions on the basis of […]