The Importance of Hiring A Lawyer Who Can Find Hidden Assets

Steve Kazee, a Tony Award-winning actor, once said, “When you start hiding things away, that’s when the darkness creeps up. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” Sunlight – in the form of a good family law attorney who can shed light on everything your ex may be hiding. No matter how much marital bliss you found […]

Grandparent Rights in Georgia

When most people think of the words “divorce” or “custody,” they think immediately of the parents and what effect those words will have on the children. Very few think of the impact a split will have on the grandparents. Often, grandparents play an important role in the lives of the children, acting as caregivers, providing […]

How Is Child Custody Decided in Contested Cases?

Lots of stressful things go down in a divorce case. Assets are divided. Nerves are frayed and emotions are raw. Dreams of being with your “lifelong soulmate” are dashed, and being single again becomes reality. However, if you’re a parent, there is absolutely nothing worse than thinking about potentially being apart from your children. At […]

Case Study: Your Attorney Has Your Back

When we go through a divorce that is rough, we often want to just put everything in the rearview mirror and move forward with our lives. We want to wash that bad taste out of our mouth as quickly as we can. However, if you’re dealing with custody or child support, sometimes that’s easier said […]

How Does Georgia Typically Handle Alimony Requests?

Alimony is money paid to a spouse for support. Also called spousal support or maintenance, alimony is a relic of a time when the husband was typically the breadwinner, and the wife was typically a housewife. In that case, without employment skills to fall back on, the wife would be at a significant disadvantage in […]

What is the Difference Between Visitation and Parenting Time?

Any father who has gone through a custody hearing has to wonder who thought up the term “parental visitation”?  It sure doesn’t seem like just “visiting” when you have the children and you are taking them to sports practices or music lessons, feeding them, tucking them in at night, or having heartfelt conversations with your […]

What Are Father’s Rights Regarding Adoption?

There are situations in which a mother decides it is in the best interest of the child to give the child up for adoption. It is an incredibly difficult decision, and if you are the father of the child, you may think that you don’t have a say in the decision. Not only do you […]

Legal Snack – Maximize Legitimation

Family Matters Law Group is proud to offer Legal Snacks, short introductions to important topics in family law practice. These video introductions offer clear, concise information in order for you to gain a quick understanding of each topic. After watching each video, you’ll be in a better position to ask questions of your attorney or […]

July 4th Local Events

Happy Independence Day, everyone!  July Fourth can be such a wonderful family experience. Many people have fond memories of backyard cookouts with hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill, bottles of soda that look so inviting sitting on ice in a big cooler, and that big slice of watermelon that is so messy and utterly […]

Courtroom Etiquette To Win Your Case

There is an old saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”. Nowhere is this more true than in a courtroom. If you are in the midst of a divorce or custody battle, how you act and how you look play a major role. Failure to act properly or look like […]