Guide to Preparing Children for a Divorce

Family Matters Law

Going through a divorce can be a stressful time for every family. For families with children, it’s vital that you take the proper steps to protect the children as much as possible from the stress of the divorce. By properly preparing children for a divorce, you will help improve the chances that they will emerge […]

Stockbridge Family Law Attorneys

Family Lawyer

Fighting for the right to see your child or to get sufficient financial support for the child you care for can be extremely difficult and stressful. No one understands that better than we do at Family Matter Law Group, your Stockbridge family law office. Our family law attorneys have years of experience in assisting parents […]

Understanding the Key Players in the Courtroom

Court can be a stressful experience for anyone. No matter the reason you’re there, it’s important to understand what exactly will happen and who the people are in the room. Any time you step foot into a courtroom, there are several people there who play very important roles. From the judge to the court reporter, […]

Co-Parenting Ideas to Make Valentine’s Day Special

family fun

Valentine’s Day is about showing your loved ones how much they mean to you. Whether you’re showing your children or helping them show others, developing a way to do this in a co-parenting situation doesn’t have to be challenging. Taking the time to be a good role model for your children starts with small acts […]

Navigating Your First Valentine’s Day After Divorce


Life after divorce is challenging enough without facing the holiday devoted to the Hallmark version of romance, Valentine’s Day. Enter any store the day after Christmas, and there’s already pink and red shiny cellophane and wrapped hearts up and down the aisles. How can you grab your groceries or do a pharmacy run without being […]

What Visitation Rights Do Grandparents Have?

Grandparents Rights

Divorce can be challenging for the entire family. Keeping as many relationships intact after a divorce is important for children, especially those with grandparents. Strained relationships in families, during and after a divorce, may not always make this possible. Grandparents may also lose some of the time they’re used to if the custodial parent is […]

Who Gets the Stimulus Check?

covid check

Dealing with the financial side effects of the Coronavirus has certainly been challenging for almost everyone in Georgia, but it presents specific issues for divorced parents. To assist the many people who have lost income due to changes in employment status or the healthcare costs incurred if you or a family member is battling Covid, […]

Father’s Rights Attorneys: How We Can Serve You

Fathers & Child Custody

Being a parent in a custody case or divorce can be frightening enough. If you’re a father, then you may feel like the world is against you. Family Matters Law Group is here to prove that isn’t true. You may be wondering, “where do you find the best father’s rights attorneys near me?” The answer […]

Men: Learn Your Rights During the Divorce Process

fathers rights

The divorce process can be one of the most challenging and stressful times of your life. Being a man in this situation presents a whole new set of difficulties. The financial stress can be overwhelming, from worrying about your assets to possible alimony or child support orders. If you’re looking for a divorce attorney for […]

When Divorce is a New Year’s Resolution


For many people, the New Year is a time to make resolutions, typically on self-improvement like getting in shape or learning a new skill. Those unhappy in their marriage may also use this as the catalyst to proceed with a divorce. If this is you, there’s plenty you can start doing now to prepare, even […]