Common-Law Marriage (and Divorce) in Georgia

Getting married isn’t all about emotions, love, and finding your soulmate. It’s also a practical, legal decision. A marriage is essentially a contract, and with any legal contract, both parties are subject to consequences if that contract is broken. Many couples make sure that everything is above board and legal by getting a marriage license […]

Getting Your Teen to Read

With more and more technology becoming part of our daily lives, it’s not uncommon for a parent to be exasperated watching their teenager constantly staring at a phone or video game screen. We all know the extensive benefits of reading for children and teenagers, but how can you get your teen to read more often? […]

Adopting an Adult

Eddie and Danielle were always willing to share their home with a foster child (or several). Danielle wasn’t able to have children, so they poured their hearts and soul into caring for children making their way through a tough foster care system. One child in particular really bonded with the couple. Marcus had had more […]

Gray Divorce (Divorce Over 50)

You may have seen reports on the news that the overall divorce rate is going down. That’s true. However, the divorce rate for Baby Boomers has doubled. We’re talking about the group of people who have generally been married for 20 to 30 years. As the over 50 crowd lives longer, it’s not unexpected that […]

Legal Snack: Can I File For Contempt?

Legal Snacks are short videos from Family Matters Law Group that help to educate our clients about issues related to their case. By watching the videos, you are prepared to come to the office with some of your questions already answered. This means your office visit will be more productive and helpful. In this month’s […]

Cornerstone — Preparing For Divorce

On the day they say “I do”, no one imagines that the person they are declaring they will be with “’til death do us part” will not end up being their life partner and soulmate. On that magical day, the future looks bright and a 50th wedding anniversary is in the works. Unfortunately, as many […]

Legal Snack: Mediation

Family Matters Law Group is proud to present Legal Snacks, short videos about topics in family law. By watching these videos, you can find answers to many of the most frequently asked questions. This will help make your consultation sessions more productive. In this month’s Legal Snack, we address the topic of mediation and cover […]

Can I Cut Off Alimony If My Ex Is Living With Another Man?

It’s a given that alimony usually ends when the receiving spouse remarries. Many people have questions about a spouse that doesn’t remarry but ends up living with another man. What are the alimony requirements if your ex has decided to cohabitate? In Georgia, cohabitation is defined by statute as “dwelling together continuously and openly in […]

Legal Snack: What Is The Automatic Standing Order?

If you have questions about family law, our Legal Snacks can help. These bite-sized nuggets of information can help you better understand key family law concepts. At Family Matters Law Group, we believe strongly that a well-informed client can really help win a case. We are often asked about the automatic domestic relations standing order […]

Can a Couple Get a Legal Separation In Georgia?

Not everyone who comes to our law office wants a divorce. Some people come and tell us they want a legal separation. Every state is different, and if you’re wondering how to get a legal separation in Georgia, unfortunately, you can’t. Why Can’t I Get Legally Separated in Georgia? There is no such thing as […]